Sunday, July 04, 2010


Corruption pandemic

Letters column of Editorial page of Deccan Chronicle, Chennai, July 05, 2010


It has become a daily affair to read about high-level corruption among politicians, middlemen, godmen, businessmen, educationists, bureaucrats and elected representatives (CBI seals IAS official's house, July 4). It is a matter of grave concern that corruption has become the order of the day in almost all spheres of public activity. It makes one wonder if it is the present form of democracy which is responsible for such high levels of corruption? What is the answer to the problem of corruption? How do we eliminate the cancer of corruption from our society?

KRIS DEV Chennai

The article I had sent is as follows:

Corruption galore

It has almost become a daily event to read in the newspapers of high level corruption among politicians, middlemen, godmen, businessmen, educationists, bureaucrats, lower officials, elected representatives, professionals, etc. - "Raids don't spare politicos or godmen" and "CBI seals IAS official's house" - DC June 4, 2010.

It is a matter of grave concern among all well meaning citizens of the country that corruption is the order of the day in all most all public activities from birth to death nay from womb to tomb. It makes one to think, is it the present form of democracy that we follow, that is responsible for such high levels of corruption? Is it morally and physically feasible for the government to conduct raids objectively on all such cases of corruption apolitically, abureaucratically, etc?

If not what is the answer to the problem of corruption? How do we elemnate the cancer of corruption from our society? It has become a endemic problem, out to devour our democracy. Is it not high time, public debate is initiated at all levels of society for arriving at a consensus and a clear time bound action plan?
Kris Dev, Chennai

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